
cosmic rays 宇宙(射)線。

cosmic string

In a book , to be published this week , they claim that fluctuations in the number of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere directly alter the amount of cloud covering the planet 在本周將出版的書中,他們指出宇宙射線直接影響星球表面大氣候的覆蓋

The satellite also found local magnetic fields , indicating that mars once had a global magnetic field like earth ' s , shielding it from cosmic rays 探測器還發現當地存在磁場,表明火星曾經擁有象地球一樣的全球磁場,使它免受宇宙射線中侵襲。

The satellite also found local magnetic fields , indicating that mars once had a global magnetic field like earth ' s , shielding it from cosmic rays 探測者號還發現局部磁場,預示著火星曾經有著與地球類似的磁場,這種磁場由宇宙射線防護著。

The satellite also found local magnetic fields , indicating that mars once had a global magnetic field like earth ' s , shielding it from cosmic ray 衛星同樣發現了火星的磁極,表明火星曾經有一個像地球一樣的磁場,來屏蔽宇宙射線的影響。

Natural radiation in the environment comes from two sources : cosmic rays and radiation present in the earth crust . cosmic rays have already been discussed in 環境中的天然輻射有兩大來源:一個是宇宙射線,另一個是存在于地殼的輻射。

Scientists say that cosmic rays from outer space play a far greater role in changing the earth ' s climate than global warming experts previously thought 最近一個有爭議的調查研究表明,人類對氣候的影響遠遠沒有以前所聲稱的那么大

The satellite also found local magnetic fields , indicating that mars once had a global magnetic field like earth ' s , shielding it from cosmic rays 衛星還發現磁場,這表明火星曾經有過像地球一樣的環形磁場,可以阻止宇宙射線。

Carbon - 14 is produced when cosmic rays bombard the atmosphere . the carbon - 14 formed will be oxidized to carbon dioxide and absorbed by plants 碳- 14是因宇宙射線撞擊地球大氣層而產生的,碳- 14氧化成二氧化碳后會被植物吸收。

The cosmic ray telescope contains 3 detectors , a trigger electronics , a gps receiver and a timer card in a computer 宇宙射線望遠鏡主要是由三件探測器、一組觸發電路、一個全球定位系統接收器和一部配備計時器介面的電腦組成。

By mutating the laws of humanity , these creative cosmic rays began to pierce people “ s bodies , individual by individual , then group by group 通過人的道法的突變,這些宇宙射線開始穿入人身體,一個又一個、然后一群又一群。

Hence the properties , such as energy and incident direction , of the incident cosmic ray can be calculated according to data from stations 因此,透過比較不同觀測站的數據,可以推算原初宇宙射線的能量、入射方向等資料。

They then decided to test the first , and easiest , hypothesis : that energetic cosmic rays are caused by hungry black holes 接著,他們決定來檢測第一種假設,也是最容易的假設,即高能量的太空射線是由饑餓的大黑洞造成的。

When the sun is at its most active , which is when it is spotty , the solar wind is stronger and fewer cosmic rays penetrate 當太陽處于活動高峰時,即太陽黑子最多的時候,太陽風最強,只有很少的宇宙射線可以穿過大氣層。

Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene , but how remains unknown 譯文:任何東西,從宇宙射線到輻射,以至日常飲食,都可能激活潛伏的致癌基因,但如何激活的,仍然不得而知。

Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene , but how remains unknown 從宇宙射線、輻射到日常飲食,任何東西都可能激活一個處于靜止狀態下的致癌基因,但如何激活尚不為人知。

The magnetic field associated with these particles helps protect the earth from cosmic rays by deflecting them from the planet 地磁場同這些粒子相結合令宇宙射線發生彎曲,從而幫助地球避開來訪的宇宙射線。

Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene , but how remains unknown 任何東西,從宇宙射線到輻射,以至日常飲食,都可能激活潛伏的致癌基因,但如何激活的,仍然不得而知。

The energies simply bring in creative cosmic rays that penetrate your body and create the evolutionary leap inside your body 這些能量只是引進了創造性宇宙射線,它們滲入你身體內和創造身體內進化的飛躍。

The magnetic field associated with these particles helps protect the earth from cosmic rays by deflecting them from the planet 這些微粒所形成的磁場使宇宙射線偏離地球,從而起到了一定保護地球的作用。